Top 50 jQuery Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download

Top 50 jQuery Interview Questions and Answers

  1. What is jQuery?

    jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions.

  2. What is the difference between jQuery and JavaScript?

    JavaScript is a programming language, whereas jQuery is a library written in JavaScript that simplifies working with JavaScript on the web.

  3. How do you include jQuery in a web page?

    You can include jQuery in a web page by adding the following script tag to the HTML file:

    <script src=""></script>
  4. What is the dollar sign ($) in jQuery?

    The dollar sign ($) in jQuery is an alias for the jQuery object. It is commonly used as a shortcut to access jQuery functions and methods.

  5. What is a selector in jQuery?

    A selector in jQuery is a pattern that helps you select and manipulate HTML elements based on their name, class, ID, attributes, and more.

  6. How do you select elements by class in jQuery?

    You can select elements by class in jQuery using the class selector. For example, to select all elements with the class "exampleClass", you can use:

  7. How do you select elements by ID in jQuery?

    You can select elements by ID in jQuery using the ID selector. For example, to select an element with the ID "exampleId", you can use:

  8. What are the different types of selectors in jQuery?

    jQuery supports various types of selectors, including element selectors, ID selectors, class selectors, attribute selectors, and more.

  9. What is the purpose of the ready() function in jQuery?

    The ready() function in jQuery is used to ensure that the DOM is fully loaded before executing JavaScript code. It helps prevent any script errors due to accessing elements that are not yet available.

  10. How do you handle events in jQuery?

    In jQuery, you can handle events using the on() method. For example, to handle a click event on a button with the ID "myButton", you can use:

    $("#myButton").on("click", function() {
      // Handle the click event
  11. Explain the concept of method chaining in jQuery.

    Method chaining in jQuery allows you to chain multiple methods together, one after another, on the same jQuery object. This results in more concise and readable code. For example:

  12. What is the difference between prop() and attr() in jQuery?

    The prop() method is used to get or set properties of HTML elements, while the attr() method is used to get or set attributes of HTML elements. Properties are generally more related to the element's behavior, while attributes are more related to its initial state.

  13. How do you animate elements using jQuery?

    You can animate elements using jQuery by using the animate() method. It allows you to change CSS properties gradually over a specified duration. For example, to animate the width of an element to 300px over 1 second, you can use:

    $("#myElement").animate({ width: "300px" }, 1000);
  14. Explain the difference between fadeIn() and show() in jQuery.

    The fadeIn() method gradually fades in the selected element, making it visible, while the show() method instantly shows the element. fadeIn() provides a smooth transition effect, whereas show() doesn't provide any animation.

  15. How do you add and remove classes in jQuery?

    You can add a class to an element using the addClass() method and remove it using the removeClass() method. For example, to add a class "highlight" to an element with the ID "myElement", you can use:


    To remove the class, you can use:

  16. What are the various methods to manipulate CSS using jQuery?

    jQuery provides several methods to manipulate CSS, such as css(), addClass(), removeClass(), toggleClass(), and more. These methods allow you to get or set CSS properties and classes dynamically.

  17. How do you get and set the HTML content of an element in jQuery?

    To get the HTML content of an element, you can use the html() method. For example, to get the HTML content of an element with the ID "myElement", you can use:

    var htmlContent = $("#myElement").html();

    To set the HTML content, you can pass the content as an argument to the html() method:

    $("#myElement").html("<p>New HTML content</p>");
  18. Explain the difference between parent() and parents() in jQuery.

    The parent() method selects the direct parent of the selected element, while the parents() method selects all the ancestors (parent, grandparent, etc.) of the selected element.

  19. How do you handle AJAX requests using jQuery?

    You can handle AJAX requests using jQuery's ajax() method or the shorthand methods such as get(), post(), and load(). These methods allow you to send and receive data from a server without reloading the entire page.

  20. Explain the concept of JSONP in jQuery.

    JSONP (JSON with Padding) is a technique used to overcome the cross-domain AJAX limitation. It allows you to fetch data from a different domain by adding a callback parameter to the request URL.

  21. What is the purpose of the each() function in jQuery?

    The each() function in jQuery allows you to iterate over a set of elements and perform a function on each item. It is useful for performing operations on a group of elements.

  22. How do you validate forms using jQuery?

    jQuery provides the validate() plugin for form validation. You can use this plugin to validate form inputs based on predefined rules, custom rules, or regular expressions.

  23. What is event delegation in jQuery?

    Event delegation is a technique in jQuery where you attach an event handler to a parent element instead of individual child elements. This allows you to handle events for dynamically added elements or elements that may not exist yet.

  24. Explain the difference between find() and filter() in jQuery.

    The find() method is used to search for descendants of the selected elements, while the filter() method is used to narrow down the set of matched elements based on a specified criteria.

  25. How do you disable/enable elements in jQuery?

    To disable an element, you can use the prop() method to set the "disabled" property to true. To enable it, set the property to false. For example:

    $("#myElement").prop("disabled", true); // Disable
    $("#myElement").prop("disabled", false); // Enable
  26. What is the purpose of the serialize() method in jQuery?

    The serialize() method in jQuery is used to create a URL-encoded string representation of form data. It serializes the form inputs into a format that can be easily submitted through an AJAX request or sent to a server.

  27. Explain the concept of deferred objects in jQuery.

    Deferred objects in jQuery represent the outcome of asynchronous operations such as AJAX requests. They provide a way to attach callbacks to handle success, failure, and completion events of the asynchronous task.

  28. How do you handle cross-domain AJAX requests in jQuery?

    To handle cross-domain AJAX requests in jQuery, you can use JSONP, CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing), or a proxy server. JSONP is the traditional approach, while CORS is the recommended modern solution.

  29. What is the purpose of the data() function in jQuery?

    The data() function in jQuery is used to attach data to HTML elements. It allows you to store and retrieve custom data associated with elements, providing a convenient way to store additional information.

  30. How do you handle errors in AJAX requests using jQuery?

    You can handle errors in AJAX requests using the error() method or the fail() method in jQuery. These methods allow you to define a callback function to handle any errors that occur during the AJAX request.

  31. Explain the concept of chaining AJAX requests in jQuery.

    Chaining AJAX requests in jQuery allows you to perform sequential AJAX calls one after another. You can chain multiple AJAX methods together, using the success callback of one request to trigger the next request.

  32. How do you stop the execution of animations in jQuery?

    To stop the execution of animations in jQuery, you can use the stop() method. It allows you to stop the animation immediately or clear the animation queue.

  33. What is the purpose of the not() function in jQuery?

    The not() function in jQuery is used to exclude elements from a set of matched elements based on a specified criteria. It allows you to filter out elements that you don't want to manipulate.

  34. How do you create a custom animation using jQuery?

    To create a custom animation using jQuery, you can use the animate() method. It allows you to specify custom CSS properties and their values, along with the duration and easing function, to create unique animations.

  35. Explain the difference between on() and live() in jQuery.

    The on() method is used to attach event handlers to current and future elements that match the selector, while the live() method (deprecated in newer versions) was used to attach event handlers to current and future elements at the document level.

  36. How do you check if an element exists using jQuery?

    You can check if an element exists using the length property of the jQuery object. If the length is greater than 0, the element exists. For example:

    if ($("#myElement").length) {
      // Element exists
  37. What is the purpose of the fadeTo() function in jQuery?

    The fadeTo() function in jQuery is used to change the opacity of elements to a specific value over a given duration. It provides a smooth transition effect for fading elements.

  38. How do you create a fade-in effect on page load using jQuery?

    To create a fade-in effect on page load, you can initially hide the element using CSS (e.g., display: none), and then use the fadeIn() method to gradually fade it in. For example:

    $("#myElement").fadeIn(1000); // Fades in over 1 second
  39. Explain the difference between prop() and attr() in jQuery.

    The prop() method is used to get or set properties of HTML elements, while the attr() method is used to get or set attributes of HTML elements. Properties are generally more related to the element's behavior, while attributes are more related to its initial state.

  40. How do you delay the execution of code in jQuery?

    You can delay the execution of code in jQuery using the delay() method. It allows you to introduce a delay before executing the next item in the animation queue.

  41. What is the purpose of the unload() function in jQuery?

    The unload() function in jQuery is used to handle the event when the user navigates away from the current page. It is useful for performing cleanup tasks or prompting the user before leaving the page.

  42. How do you change the background color of an element using jQuery?

    You can change the background color of an element using the css() method. For example, to change the background color of an element with the ID "myElement" to red, you can use:

    $("#myElement").css("background-color", "red");
  43. Explain the concept of event bubbling in jQuery.

    Event bubbling in jQuery refers to the propagation of an event from child elements to parent elements in the HTML hierarchy. It allows you to handle events at higher levels of the DOM tree.

  44. How do you disable the right-click menu using jQuery?

    You can disable the right-click menu using jQuery by capturing the contextmenu event and preventing the default behavior. For example:

    $(document).on("contextmenu", function(e) {
  45. What is the purpose of the offset() function in jQuery?

    The offset() function in jQuery is used to get the current coordinates of an element relative to the document. It provides the top and left positions of the element.

  46. How do you create a sliding panel using jQuery?

    To create a sliding panel, you can use the slideDown(), slideUp(), or slideToggle() methods in jQuery. These methods animate the height of the element to show or hide it with a sliding effect.

  47. Explain the difference between parseHTML() and html() in jQuery.

    The parseHTML() function in jQuery is used to parse HTML content and create DOM elements, while the html() method is used to get or set the HTML content of an element.

  48. How do you create a dropdown menu using jQuery?

    To create a dropdown menu, you can use CSS to hide the menu initially, and then use jQuery to show or hide the menu based on user interactions, such as hovering over a trigger element.

  49. What is the purpose of the one() function in jQuery?

    The one() function in jQuery is used to attach an event handler that will be executed at most once per element. It ensures that the event handler is triggered only for the first occurrence of the event.

  50. How do you get the current timestamp using jQuery?

    To get the current timestamp using jQuery, you can use the JavaScript Date object along with the getTime() method. For example:

    var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
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Top 50 jQuery Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download Top 50 jQuery Interview Questions and Answers PDF Download Reviewed by SSC NOTES on September 22, 2023 Rating: 5
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