Mensuration and Mensuration Formulas PDF Download

 Mensuration and Mensuration Formulas PDF Download

Mensuration is the study of measuring the properties of geometric shapes, such as length, area, volume, and surface area. It involves calculating the dimensions of different shapes and finding their areas, volumes, and surface areas.

Here are some common formulas used in mensuration:

  1. Area of a rectangle = length x width
  2. Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(length + width)
  3. Area of a square = side x side
  4. Perimeter of a square = 4 x side
  5. Area of a triangle = 1/2 x base x height
  6. Perimeter of a triangle = sum of the lengths of all three sides
  7. Area of a circle = π x radius^2 (where π = 3.14159)
  8. Circumference of a circle = 2Ï€ x radius
  9. Volume of a cube = side x side x side
  10. Surface area of a cube = 6 x side^2
  11. Volume of a rectangular prism = length x width x height
  12. Surface area of a rectangular prism = 2(length x width + length x height + width x height)
  13. Volume of a cylinder = π x radius^2 x height
  14. Surface area of a cylinder = 2Ï€ x radius x height + 2Ï€ x radius^2

These are just a few of the many formulas used in mensuration. By memorizing and understanding these formulas, you can easily calculate the dimensions of different shapes and solve related problems.

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