A to Z List of Common Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations: Useful for Competitive Exams - PDF Download

A to Z List of Common Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations: Useful for Competitive Exams - PDF Download

Computer technology is filled with acronyms and abbreviations that can sometimes be confusing, especially when preparing for competitive exams. To help you navigate through the vast world of computer terminology, we have compiled an extensive A to Z list of common computer acronyms and abbreviations. This comprehensive list will serve as a valuable resource for students preparing for competitive exams in the field of computer science and information technology.

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To access the complete A to Z list of computer acronyms and abbreviations, click the link below to download the PDF:

Content of the PDF:

The PDF includes an alphabetical compilation of commonly used computer acronyms and abbreviations, along with their full forms and brief explanations. It covers a wide range of topics, including computer hardware, software, networking, programming languages, and more. Whether you are preparing for bank exams, government job exams, or any other competitive exams that include computer-related questions, this PDF will prove to be an invaluable resource to enhance your knowledge and understanding.


With the ever-evolving field of computer science, it is essential to be familiar with the various acronyms and abbreviations used in the industry. This A to Z list of computer acronyms and abbreviations in the PDF will help you grasp the core concepts and terminologies, enabling you to confidently tackle questions related to computer technology in competitive exams. Download the PDF and enhance your preparation by mastering the common computer acronyms and abbreviations required to excel in your exams.

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A to Z List of Common Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations: Useful for Competitive Exams - PDF Download A to Z List of Common Computer Acronyms and Abbreviations: Useful for Competitive Exams - PDF Download Reviewed by SSC NOTES on September 25, 2023 Rating: 5
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