Biology Quiz Multiple Choice Questions Online - Set 21

1) Source of infection in diseases like Tuberculosis, Mumps and Whooping cough is
A) Direct contact
B) Droplets of saliva
C) Carrier organism
D) A vector
Answer: B) Droplets of saliva

2) Which of the following is present in a prokaryotic cell?
A) Ribosomes
B) Chloroplast
C) Mitochondria
D) None
Answer: A) Ribosomes

3) Which of the following cells produce antibodies?
A) Plasma cells
B) Monocytes
C) Mast cells
D) Neutrophils
Answer: A) Plasma cells

4) Chylomicrons are synthesized within the
A) Intestinal cells
B) Liver
C) Storage compartment of plant seeds
D) Lymphatic system
Answer: D) Lymphatic system

5) Where does digestion of protein begin?
A) Mouth
B) Pharynx
C) Stomach
D) Liver
Answer: C) Stomach

6) Nucleoli are present during
A) prophase
B) anaphase
C) interphase
D) prometaphase
Answer: C) interphase

7) Scientist who discovered blood groups
A) Krebs
B) Pavlov
C) Karl Landsteiner
D) Darwin
Answer: C) Karl Landsteiner

8) Poison glands of snakes are homologous to
A) sebaceous glands of mammals
B) salivary glands of vertebrates
C) stings of rays
D) electric organs of fishes
Answer: B) salivary glands of vertebrates

9) What is the structural unit of compact bone?
A) Osteon
B) Spongy bone
C) Lamellae
D) Periosteum
Answer: A) Osteon

10) Which describes the correct pairing of DNA bases?
A) guanine - cytosine
B) adenine - cytosine
C) guanine - thymine
D) thymine - cytosine
Answer: A) guanine - cytosine

11) Heritable variation is required for which of the following?
A) Evolution
B) Asexual reproduction
C) Mitosis
D) Meiosis
Answer: A) Evolution

12) The major centre to receive, analyze and integrate information in body is
A) Heart
B) Kidney
C) Pituitary
D) Brain
Answer: D) Brain

13) The fundamental excitable cell in the nervous system is the
A) Nephron
B) Axon
C) Neuron
D) Dendrite
Answer: C) Neuron

14) Name the blood cells in which nucleus is absent
A) Lymphocytes
B) Blood Platelets
C) Monocytes
D) Eosinophils
Answer: B) Blood Platelets

15) Which of the following is a characteristic of the Ascomycota?
A) Sac formation
B) Zygospore formation
C) Basidium formation
D) All of the above
Answer: A) Sac formation

16) Green pigment is called
A) Chlorophyll
B) Xanthophyll
C) Carotene
D) Phycobillin
Answer: A) Chlorophyll

17) Which of the following serve as antibodies?
A) Proteins
B) Lipids
C) Carbohydrates
D) Nucleic acids
Answer: A) Proteins

18) A myocardial infarction is a heart attack.
Answer: A) TRUE

19) Each hemoglobin molecule can transport two molecules of oxygen.
Answer: B) FALSE

21) Oxygen in our blood is transported by a protein named
A) keratin
B) myoglobi
C) collagen
D) haemoglobin
Answer: D) haemoglobin

22) Which of the following is not a function of cytoskeleton in a cell ?
A) Maintenance of cell shape and structure
B) Intracellular transport
C) Cell motility
D) Support of the organelle
Answer: B) Intracellular transport

23) Glaucoma is usually caused by
A) High pressure on the optic nerve
B) Loss of hearing
C) Loss of Bone density
D) None of the above
Answer: A) High pressure on the optic nerve

24) The substrate of photorespiration is
A) Glucose
B) Pyruvic acid
C) Glycolate
D) Sucrose
Answer: C) Glycolate

25) ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroid hormones.
Answer: A) TRUE

26) Secondary consumers are eaten by larger
A) fast animal
B) animal in the third trophic level
C) herbivorous animal
D) predator
Answer: D) predator

27) When does DNA replication happen?
A) S - phase
B) M - Phase
C) Prophase
D) Anaphase
Answer: A) S - phase

28) You can See, Smell and Taste microorganisms.
Answer: B) FALSE

29) Only movable bone in the skull
A) Occipital bone
B) Frontal bone
C) Mandible
D) Temporal bone
Answer: C) Mandible

30) Cellular respiration is best associated with the
A) microtubule
B) ribosome
C) Golgi apparatus
D) mitochondrion
Answer: D) mitochondrion

31) Antibodies are produced by
A) B Lymphocytes
B) Pathogens
C) Both A & B
D) None of the above
Answer: A) B Lymphocytes

32) Some species of which of the below kinds of organisms are employed as biopesticides?
A) 1 only
B) 2 and 3 only
C) 1 and 3 only
D) 1, 2 and 3
Answer: A) 1 only

33) Genes are made of 
A) Carbohydrates
B) Proteins
C) Fats
D) Nucleotides
Answer: D) Nucleotides

34) The outer membrane that covers the lungs
A) Dura mater
B) pleura
C) Pia mater
D) Myelin sheath
Answer: B) pleura

35) Which one of the following vitamins is known as the anti sterile factor  ?
A) Ascorbic acid
B) Riboflavin
C) Niacin
D) Retinol
Answer: B) Riboflavin

36) Where are chromatids found in a cell?
A) Anaphase
B) Metaphase
C) Prophase
D) None of the above
Answer: B) Metaphase

37) Number of eyes found in Earthworm..........
A) One
B) Many
C) No eye
D) Two
Answer: C) No eye

38) In which body cavities are the lungs located
A) Pelvic cavity
B) Thoracic cavity
C) Abdominal cavity
D) Body cavity
Answer: B) Thoracic cavity

39) What are the rungs of the DNA ladder made of?
A) phosphates and sugars
B) nitrates and sugars
C) nitrates and phosphates
D) sugars and hydrates
Answer: C) nitrates and phosphates

40) Hepatitis virus destroys the cells and may cause the disease
A) Jaundice
B) Malaria
C) Typhoid
D) Elephantiasis
Answer: A) Jaundice

41) Excretion is best described as the removal of
A) Undigested material from the digestive tract
B) Metabolic wastes from a cell
C) Toxic wastes by the process of cyclosis
D) Water molecules from dipeptide hydrolysis
Answer: B) Metabolic wastes from a cell

42) "Pellagra" is caused due to the deficiency of
A) Niacin
B) Riboflavin
C) Thiamine
D) Pyridoxine
Answer: A) Niacin

43) Study Of Cells Is Called
A) Cellogysm
B) Cell biology
C) Cell Organism
D) None
Answer: B) Cell biology

44) Antigens 'A' and 'B' are absent in persons belong to blood group
A) 'O'
B) 'A'
C) 'B'
D) 'AB'
Answer: A) 'O'

45) An important function of fat in the body is to
A) Protect vital organs
B) Stores energy
C) Insulate us
D) All of the above
Answer: D) All of the above

46) The hormone that helps in the implantation of embryo
A) Testosterone
B) Insulin
C) Prolactin
D) Progesterone
Answer: D) Progesterone

48) Which event occurs during interphase?
A) Centrioles appear
B) Spindle fibers begin to form
C) The cell grows
D) Centromeres divide
Answer: C) The cell grows

49) What do eukaryotic cells have that prokaryotic cells do not?
A) Nucleus
B) Cytoplasm
C) Ribosomes
Answer: A) Nucleus

50) Where are Enzymes found?
A) food
B) human body
C) medicines
D) none
Answer: B) human body

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Biology Quiz Multiple Choice Questions Online - Set 21 Biology Quiz Multiple Choice Questions Online - Set 21 Reviewed by SSC NOTES on February 06, 2023 Rating: 5
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